US church legal costs declining, presiding bishop claims: The Church of England Newspaper

US Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has dismissed claims the legal campaign waged against traditionalists has been suicidal for the Episcopal Church, stating the funds expended on litigation have actually declined in recent years….

Asked at a post-meeting press conference whether the church’s suicide was by litigation, which had drained the church’s coffers, the presiding bishop responded this was not so. “Our legal costs have gone down in the past couple of years,” she said.

However, according to an analysis performed by canon lawyer Allan Haley, the national church and its dioceses have dedicated over $21,650,000 to lawsuits and disciplinary actions against the clergy.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, * Culture-Watch, Episcopal Church (TEC), Law & Legal Issues, Parish Ministry, Presiding Bishop, Stewardship, TEC Conflicts

12 comments on “US church legal costs declining, presiding bishop claims: The Church of England Newspaper

  1. A Senior Priest says:

    Once again we must ask ourselves, where would we be without The Curmudgeon? Mrs S would find herself off the hook more often, without authoritative rebuttal to her claims.

  2. trimom says:

    Oooo- he forgot to add in the lawyer on retainer ready to be pitted against the Dio of SC

  3. Fradgan says:

    I imagine The Curmudgeon plinking away at the keyboard garbed in latex uniform with cape thrown back over his office chair. A true fighter for Truth, Faith, and the American way.

  4. Jon says:

    I can respect someone who honestly believes in blessing SSUs or ordaining gay bishops, though without a doubt I still think that’s a huge mistake for many reasons.

    What is so distressing to me (now for the last 7 years) is the lying. I can hold out hope for reaching common ground through honest discussion between principled people. There’s no possibility of that when people are trying to deceive.

  5. Capt. Father Warren says:

    In the age of Trillion dollar deficits and multi-million dollar political campaigns, it is easy to lose sight of what that $22 million dollar figure represents. If one pretends the [i]average[/i] pledge is $2000 and the [i]average[/i] pledging unit consists of two people then you are looking at 11,000 pledges comprising 22,000 givers for a year. That’s a darn good sized diocese with ample giving.

    So much for the real cost figures. What about the opportunity cost? That is, what else could have been done with all that money? Relieving human suffering, radically agressive outreach, evangelization, and transformation of how many lives brought to the altar for Christ?

  6. A Senior Priest says:

    Hey, Capt… what about the human cost of suffering which She who must be obeyed and her minions have caused by suing individual vstery members, the hundreds of people She’s turned out of their churches under cover of law, and so forth? And, it goes without saying, the cost on TEC’s now non-existent reputation in world Christianity by virtually parading vindictive, hypocritical, and greedy attitudes instead of love, peace, and understanding. I’ll bet She and her friends have driven more people out of TEC who formerly were part of congregations which didn’t change jurisdictions but who left as individuals and families instead. Costly, shortsighted, Pyhrric.

  7. dwstroudmd+ says:

    The costs will decline as the coffers run dry, the endowments run dry, the givers are driven off by subChristian teaching and the PAC that is EcUSA/TEc. Eventually, if the way into the cookie jar of the pension funds is found, that will run dry. The “new sheriff” believes in the gozpell of liberating all funds to lawyers more than anything else, even SSB and SSM. When the last dollar is “liberated” and the last SSB couple is childlessly dead (per nature), the coffers will be throroughly empty. Probably long before that.

  8. Cennydd13 says:

    Does this mean that TEC’s coffers are really showing the strain, and their lawyers are now working [i]pro bono?[/i]

  9. Cennydd13 says:

    Or are re-prioritizing how their money is to be wasted?

  10. rugbyplayingpriest says:

    I find the amount of money spent on suing brothers and sisters in the same church to be nothng short of scandalous. How can any deny the hand of the dark one in this when one views the destruction, pain and schism being caused by the modern heresy that is relativised liberalised Christianity lite….

    very sad

  11. midwestnorwegian says:

    How do you calculate the real costs of all of the souls the PB is leading straight through the front gates into hell?

  12. robroy says:

    We have a saying in medicine – all bleeding stops. Unfortunately, it may be because the patient has bled out.